Tag Archive for: hot tubs

10 New Year Resolution Ideas for Wellness
Do you groan a little bit as you sit down to write out your New Year's Resolutions? It turns out you aren't alone. In fact, many of us have the same resolutions, all geared toward improving our lives.
Are you looking for some fresh ideas for…

Top 9 Reasons to Skip the Fair and Shop Fiesta
Skip the fair? Well... not all of it - just the hot tub shopping!
It’s always exciting when the state fair rolls around. And we love going to the fair for the fun and the food! We also love to see our friends and our customers at the fair.

The Ultimate DIY Guide for Your Own Tranquil Spa Oasis
You try to eat well and exercise daily, but do you take time for regular self-care? If not, now is a great time to prioritize your health and wellness. Taking time out of your day to recharge isn't a luxury—it's necessary!
In this article,…

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Spa
Ready to buy a hot tub, but you aren't sure where to start? We can help!
You already know it's amazing to soak in a hot tub, and you may already know what you want your hot tub to look like. But do you know all the facts to make an informed…

Cold or Hot? Which is Right for You?
We've talked about Hot Spring hot tubs, and we've talked about the Cold Plunge. Today, we're going to compare these cold and hot offerings. If you've ever wondered which one is right for you, here's all the info!
It's worth noting that some…