Avoid Back Issues on a Summer Road Trip

Avoid Back Issues on a Summer Road Trip

Planning for a long summer road trip this summer? Do you usually emerge from your car stiff and sore? Riding in a car for long periods of time can be hard on your body. It takes its toll on your neck, shoulders, legs and especially your back. The…
5 Perfect Times to Use Your Hot Tub

5 Perfect Times to Use Your Hot Tub

Do you own a hot tub, or are you thinking about buying one? This helpful article covers the five perfect times to use your hot tub. First, we want to say that using your hot tub as often as you can is the best idea. A 15-20 minute soak…
10 Resolution Ideas for Your Wellness in the New Year

10 Resolution Ideas for Your Wellness in the New Year

Do you groan a little bit as you sit down to write out your New Year's Resolutions? It turns out you aren't alone. In fact, many of us have the same resolutions, all geared toward improving our lives. 10 Common Resolutions Check out the 10…
How to Clean Your Hot Tub Filters

How To Clean Your Hot Tub Filters

Cleaning your hot tub filter is something you need to do to keep your hot tub water in good shape. In this article, we look at several ways to clean your filter, and we include a video below as well. Here’s how to clean your hot tub filter. Water…

The Family Experience Gift Reigns Supreme

Just what is a family experience gift? This is a gift your whole family can share! It's generally an experience or larger type activity instead of toys, gifts, and more. With a family experience gift, everyone gets the same gift to enjoy…