Labor Day Pool Party Checklist

Labor Day Pool Party Checklist

We’ve got your pool party checklist!

What started as a cooler-than-normal summer has certainly turned into one for the record books. With consistent temperatures over 100, we’re all looking forward to a small cool down.

But shortly after that cool down, we head into Labor Day weekend with temperatures pushing 100 again, so it’s the perfect time for a weekend-long pool party!

To help you plan, here’s our Labor Day pool party checklist!

Make Sure Your Pool is Clean and Ready

Don’t wait until the last minute to solve issues with cloudy water or a green pool. It’s vital that your pool water be balanced and healthy for your heavier bather loads.

You want to make sure your pH levels and chlorine levels are right where they need to be.  This way, with healthy, clean water, your swimmers won’t have eye and skin irritation.

Bring us a sample of your water, and we can help you return your pool to crystal clear. We’ll run it through our ALEX computerized system and provide you a printout of just what your pool needs, and we’ll do this test for free! Then, we’ll walk you through any chemicals you may need.

Brush and sweep your swimming pool to make sure there is no debris in the pool for your swimmers. Check your drains and your skimmers.

Lastly, don’t forget to shock your swimming pool after your party and test the water.

Pool Safely

We’ve talked a lot about water safety this month and how important it is that everyone knows how to swim.

If you’re going to have a lot of children in your pool over Labor Day, you want to make sure you have a water watcher at all times. Have the adults take turns – consider 15-minute time slots. This way, no one gets bored, and all of your water watchers stay fresh. The most important job of the water watcher is to keep their eyes on the swimming pool at all times.

In addition, make sure you have a first aid kit on hand in case of emergencies.

5 Reasons to Use Borates in Your Swimming Pool

Clean Your Backyard

Do you have an unruly bush? Is your lawn a little overgrown?

Make sure to mow, trim your bushes, wash off the deck and patio, and pick out any dead plants in your pots.

Having a party outside is just like having one inside. You want to make sure everything is clean and tidy!

Consider buying some citronella candles as well to keep the mosquitos away.


Choose a Playlist

Music sets the tone for your Labor Day party.

What you choose for your playlist depends greatly on the crowd you’re having at your party. Get creative with your Spotify account and find songs that will appeal to everyone!

We just created a Spotify playlist to make it super easy for you!

Plan Your Decorations

Along with your music, your decorations also help set the tone.

Choose a theme for your pool party. Check around your house for things that will work and hit the party stores for everything else you’ll need.

We love hanging lights in the trees and setting candles out. This is extra fun if your party straddles day and night.

For your plate settings, consider using dishes you can wash – your guests will appreciate your nod to sustainability!

Create a Menu

Will you cook all the food, or will you do more of a potluck style?

If you go the potluck route, let your guests know well in advance, so they can prepare.

Have Towels and Sunscreen on Hand

Some of your guests may forget to bring a towel, and some will even forget their sunscreen.

Have both of these items on hand for those who forget. Your guests will really appreciate how much you care.

Plan Some Games

You can also plan some in-pool and out-of-pool games.

You’ll find that some of your guests spend the whole party in the pool, while others like to be on dry land.

Scour the internet for some ideas on games and activities!

Final Thoughts on the Pool Party Checklist

Now that you’ve got our tips, you’re ready to host the best pool party of the season.

If you need pool chemicals, pool floats, pool accessories, or grilling products, stop by one of our two stores! We’d love to help you find just what you need.