Poolife TurboShock Shock Treatment is the strongest shock treatment available to treat your pool. With 78% available chlorine, poolife® TurboShock® works fast to combat algae and bacteria. It dissolves more quickly and completely and keeps pool water sparkling clean and clear with less work.
Useful Tips:
- Shock treat at least once a week with TurboShock .
- For best results always ensure pH is correct before shock treating your pool.
- Good for all pool surfaces.
- No need to pre-dissolve.
- 25 pounds
Directions for Dosing Directly Into Your Pool:
- Add the recommended dosage during the evening hours while the filter pump is running.
- When adding this product to your pool, broadcast the product evenly over a wide area in the deepest part of your pool. If any granules settle to the bottom of the pool, use brush to disperse.
Directions for Water Balance:
- For best product performance, swimmer comfort, and crystal clear water: maintain ph in the range of 7.2 to 7.6.
- Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 60 to 120 ppm.
- Maintain calcium hardness above 200 ppm.
- Bring us a water sample.
- Re-entry into treated pools is prohibited above 4 ppm due to risk of bodily harm.
Directions for Opening Your Pool:
- For best results, see the “Water Balance” section on the label before treatment.
- Always adjust and maintain pH in the 7.2 to 7.6 range.
- Follow “Shock Treatment/SuperChlorination” directions on package. Allow 30 minutes for product to disperse.
- Test free available chlorine residual wit a pool test kit.
- Repeat treatment as needed.
Directions for Shock Treatment/Superchlorination:
- For best results, see “Water Balance” and “how to Use” sections on the label before treatment.
- Every seven days, or as necessary to prevent pool problems, shock treat/superchlorinate the pool by adding 9-16 ounces per 10,000 gallons of water to provide 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine.
- Additional shock treatments may be required to correct problems caused by visible algae, high bathing loads, heavy wind and rainstorms.
- Additional shock treatments may also be required to correct problems such as unpleasant odors and eye irritation.
- Check the available chlorine with a suitable test kit.