Maintaining Healthy Joints at Any Age

Maintaining Healthy Joints at Any Age

Whether you're 20 or 80, your joints and overall comfort matter. Grab our tips for maintaining healthy joints at any age. It’s important to prioritize your joint health no matter your age because the condition of your joints plays a crucial…
This Month’s Best-Selling Hot Tub & Why Customers Love It

This Month’s Best-Selling Hot Tub & Why Customers Love It

Are you considering investing in a hot tub? Have you ever wondered about some of our best-selling hot tubs? If so, there’s one model that’s been stealing the spotlight at Fiesta Pools and Spas this month:  Hot Spring Spa Hot Spot Relay. In…
5 Perfect Times to Use Your Hot Tub

5 Perfect Times to Use Your Hot Tub

Do you own a hot tub, or are you thinking about buying one? This helpful article covers the five perfect times to use your hot tub. First, we want to say that using your hot tub as often as you can is the best idea. A 15-20 minute soak every…
Tips for a Healthy Hot Tub

Tips for a Healthy Hot Tub

The key to a happy hot tub owner is a spa that's hot and ready to use when you are! When you have a hot tub, you want to make sure the water is healthy for soaking and ready to use when you are. Check out these important tips for a clean,…
10 New Year Resolution Ideas for Wellness

10 New Year Resolution Ideas for Wellness

Do you groan a little bit as you sit down to write out your New Year's Resolutions? It turns out you aren't alone. In fact, many of us have the same resolutions, all geared toward improving our lives. Are you looking for some fresh ideas for…