Help! There’s Ice on My Cover

Help! There's Ice on My Cover

Winter’s brutal arrival in January and February usher in some challenges for the pool owner. While snow is fun for building snowmen, and ice means school is canceled, your pool cover can take a beating.

Ice on your pool cover is a real possibility during the coldest winter months of January and February. Because we want to help when you shout out, “Help! There’s ice on my cover,” we put together some tips for dealing with some common situations.

It’s Frozen

If you have a mesh cover or solid cover, and the water has frozen on top, your only choice is to wait until it thaws.

If you try to remove the ice from your cover, you will certainly damage the pool cover. So, to avoid needing a new cover or a costly repair, be patient, let the ice thaw, and then you can use your pump to get the water off.

The Water Level is Low

If the water level in your pool is low, you can add water safely by putting a hose in the skimmer or under the cover. Then, bring the water level up to the proper winter level.

Why do this? This is a handy trick because it helps support your pool cover. If the water under the cover gets too low, your solid cover might fall into the pool. Likewise, a mesh cover might get damaged and break.

The Water Level is Too High

On occasion, and especially with mesh pool covers, you might find the water level is too high. If this is happening in your pool, and the water is frozen, wait until it thaws out before you lower the water level.

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When it comes to aboveground pools, snow and ice can hurt your pool from both the top of your cover and underneath it. Consider using air pillows to prevent ice from forming and putting any pressure on the walls of your aboveground pool.

To Conclude

Frozen water of any kind on your pool cover is a big problem. It can be especially frustrating if it melts, and you don’t have time to pump it off before it refreezes. Edges of it are sharp and can puncture your pool cover.

It’s best practice to wait until the snow and ice on your pool cover melt.

When they do, you can use your cover pump to slowly pump off the melting ice/snow.

You can also use your pool brush to help push the water towards the pump.

It’s also a good idea to tighten your cover, if necessary, and remove any wrinkles so the cover will effectively hold the water.

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